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True love. Word. The gretest recent update. (Глава 4)

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1. Disconnection can be very convenient, but only connection is good.

2. Any word is a grain of essence. Any essence is a grain of truth for the one who knows one day will comprehend, even the rational will separate the good from the negative, the word from the wind, the grain from the seed, for everyone will drink from the river, but with its purity.

3.this paramount is uplifting, located in the plexus, justifying forever warmth from the cold and allowing you to continue to swim.

4. A person becomes an adult only when he ceases to be afraid or not to desire any responsibility, and also when he becomes smart.

A person becomes smart only when he becomes able to structure his knowledge and relate to any negative with a kind smile, knowing the simplicity of its origin.

Any negative has touch points. Knowing the point of departure, you can always understand the essence of the fall. The main thing is to give birth to the auspicious, which is capable of killing the negative and growing sprouts of life in the curved bundles of space.

5. Whatever weaving, see that any reverse side does not collapse.

6. No political doctrine can ever be compared with the Bible, since politics is not an element of help and focus on the problems of the common people and is often a means of enrichment.

In order for politics to cease to be a means of fooling the common people, it should be made an element of concentration of highly spiritual foundations and principles, but since many people are stupid, even more people will go against it


8. The essence of man’s salvation now is that he seeks to control people as little as possible, and as much as possible by himself, because only by learning to control himself does a person have conscience, awareness and, most importantly, potential.

9.Every time when you do something, allowing any distortions, observe at the same time how this will affect others and overlap with your relationship. Any negativity in the relationship is a powerful destructive force at higher frequencies for both a person and for space and frequency structures.

10. Satisfaction for sins is impossible, because no one knows how much good he should have done for sin alone, not to mention all. «In other words, a person who does not know the norm required of him can do more good than it is necessary for satisfaction, and yet remain unsure of his salvation.

11. Strive to constantly connect. Only by loving all your neighbors can you recreate a great blessing. Get favorable, excluding the negative. All negative things are created by the absence of love, but you must know that all people are kind, only from their misfortune, like flowers withering.

12. The meaning of human life on Earth is the working out of sins, and the correction of curvature. But since in the 17th century a person sharply distorted the idea of ​​God and harmony for himself, and also caused serious distortions to space, made a huge number of sins, the population also increased sharply.

A man living in the shadow of his egoism has lost his health. Physical, spiritual and social. You can still avoid catastrophe, the main thing is to understand the insignificance of your being, the insignificance of your life and the insignificance of your actions. And all the people living on the earth now are insignificant.

To start rebuilding society, you need to try very hard. Try to give up their habits, try not to start the so-called relationship. Now, for the restoration of society, this is very important. Love every earthling, but not start a relationship. Eat less protein; look for other food sources. I can tell you truly. When the stomach is starving, the head is looking for a way to saturate. By pacifying his excessive energy, a person begins to develop spiritual components. After all, it’s not difficult — to refuse to communicate with unpleasant people, to refuse tasteless food, to reduce the amount of protein, not to start relationships. Now the main thing is to harmonize your internal physical foundations. Find places where, through aesthetic saturation, a person can be saturated spiritually, but on condition that the person is alone in silence. Another part of improving a person’s health is the rejection of untrue music, as music has only recently completely destroyed a person. About the rejection of the relationship. Abortion is an acute problem. This is a sign of a serious human illness. It is important to understand that the baby is extremely important. Without the baby, there would be no story. I also want to say that the foundations of the development of society and education are outdated. Now you need to take a very keen approach to everything that relates to a spiritual and mental basis. So let's together, rebuild, together rebuild society, society, humanity.

Свидетельство о публикации (PSBN) 31518

Все права на произведение принадлежат автору. Опубликовано 11 Апреля 2020 года
Автор не рассказал о себе

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