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True love. Word. The greatest recent update. (Глава 7)

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Возрастные ограничения 18+

1. And the global economic crisis began.

2. 29% of America's economy was paralyzed

3. And the richest people of America, Russia and Europe gave their money to the needs of the economy

4. And they did not listen to the first and second volumes of this scripture.

5. But the events described in them began to occur with great force.

6. The essence of the eighth part of the eighth volume of the first states:

What we are usually afraid to overwhelm can always be called happiness, even if it is the heaviest burden and at first even seriously affects mental health.

7. The essence of the ninth reads:

It is important to trust a person in any case, but not be afraid to express a personal opinion.

8. The first paragraph of the first volume of the second section reads:

Any thought creates a curvature in space. Now it is important to eliminate negativity and recreate consciousness and good by all means.

9. It will not be possible to avoid an economic disaster.

10. The redivision of the world will begin in 2024.

11. Business collapse will begin in 2033.
12. During the time of the next aggressive pandemic, people closed their homes, but everyone had a chance to discover the truth, the essence of truth.

13. And the ozone holes began to drag out, which people created without saturation.

14. And they saw a small sign, and the beautiful Earth did not trample on sinful feet.

15. And the great days came, marking the coming prophecies of the greatest last renewal in 2021.

16. And they saw how little the greatness of man, ceaselessly clowning and being a speck of dust small on a small milky way.

17. But man did not heed that nowadays there is no unity and order.

18. And no longer seeks to create beauty.

19. A new style comes to a person.

20. This sign also indicates one great prophecy coming, which will be fulfilled in 2023.
21. Modern world economic policy is hindering the development of mankind.
22. Without its change, the full development of the planet will be achieved by the end of the next century.
23. As if, in connection with the pandemic, economic policy is not capable of supporting itself, it means that it is weak.
24. The world is now technically united, but politically divided.
25. There comes a time when these two factors must change places.
26. All countries with a population of up to 1 million people should adopt a unified financial policy.
27. All banks should belong only to parliament.
28. There should be a separate house in parliament that owns the bank.
29. All countries should coordinate economic policies on natural resources and weapons, as well as combine these issues among themselves.
30. Modern youth is not able to withstand world politics and economics.

Свидетельство о публикации (PSBN) 31522

Все права на произведение принадлежат автору. Опубликовано 11 Апреля 2020 года
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