Книга «Confessions of a fallen angel»

Family business (Глава 4)

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Возрастные ограничения 18+

The hunters and their feathered friend returned to the lore keepers' bunker. A huge bunker, a huge quarters with many rooms. They still don't know where they get water, gas, electricity, given the fact that the bunker is located far from settlements, in a dense forest.
«Well… what do we have?» Dean asked.
«Well? Apparently this is not our business.» Naively thinking of the wild beast, Sam muttered.
«Sam… This girl was disembowell, leaving nothing but bones.»
«Could it be a wild animal?» Cas intervened.
«Oh yes, a wolf or a boar ate it, deleted the video from the security cameras, broke the server room, and left no trace?»
«Or maybe it's some local Russian maniac? We are in Russia… or did I miss something?»
Sam and Dean silently turned to their feathered friend. Cas at that moment was in an awkward position. The hunters burned him with their eyes for a long time, looking at him as if he were a local fool.
«Are you nuts?»
Dean: «I suggest continuing tomorrow. Maybe the next sacrifice will clear things up.»
Sam: «Are you suggesting… Ummm… Do you wanna forget this business until the morning?»
Dean: «And what is wrong? I am very tired from the road. I wanna wash off the dirt, have a normal meal and be alone with my girls on the TV screen.»
Sam looked at his brother with a displeased expression on his face.
Dean: «What? Okay… Cas, tell him!»
Cas: «I can't help but agree with Dean. Sam, let me remind you that I'm still human and I also want to sleep, eat and bathe.»
«Okay… Okay… Persuaded...» Sam said with displeasure and went to his room.
The morning in the bunker of the keepers of knowledge at the hunters began with a hang-over. Sam fell asleep with his books in his arms. He spent the whole night looking for information about heaven and angels. Dean, in turn, explored the expanse of the female body in a local night bar with your friends: whiskey and beer. But Castiel for the first time harnessed the comfort of a soft, comfortable bed with a pillow and a warm blanket. Even if the angel was more comfortable in bed than on a cold box under the bridge. Sleep tormented him every time he fell asleep. Each time, the dream did not reveal the true appearance of a man in white, with glasses. Castiel didn't get a full view. Only small fragments of the terrain and the appearance behind him. Whatever kind of looker the man was, Cas decided to find him, until he himself didn't go bonkers from these dreams.
«People have us again as corpses!» Dean yelled, holding a tablet with open news in the browser.
«We have a corpse in the bunker?» Castile asked in surprise, not fully waking up.
«Cas...there's nobody in the bunker.»
»Cas… this's news from the internet on our case. This time the man was torn apart in his own apartment."
«I hope he doesn't suffer for a long time.»
«Sam, did you find anything on our case? Are these bookworms any good or were they just rubbing their butts and chairs like that?»
«I'll go to local libraries, read fairy tales, maybe I'll find something there»
«Cas, don't you...»
«I don't think there's a library there.»
«I really hope, and even if there is, dress better»
«Well suddenly that...» Dean winked at his feathered friend.
«I got you, Dean.» Castiel winked at Dean too.
Dean went for food, Sam continued to study the library of the keepers of knowledge. While the brothers went about their business, Cus visited the crime scene and interviewed the relatives and friends of the deceased. After receiving little information, the angel headed to the local libraries. Passing yesterday's building, he turned back, went to the front door and read the sign. He found out that this building belonged to the College of Art, exhausted by intrigue, he entered it. There was a crowd of Russian teenagers who were actively hurrying somewhere. Cas smelled a familiar scent, the same scent he'd smelled from those paintings. Going to the window, he tried to find out where the library could be found. But unfortunately, nothing worked out because in Russia, few people know English, and even more so in this city. Then a woman interrupted him and, oddly enough, spoke in his language:
«Hello, do you want something?»
«Yeah...I...wanted to know where the library is?»
«I see you are not a local. let me guide you»
The woman shouted nervously from the window, trying to stop them:
«But how...»
«Don't worry,» the lady reassured her. «This man came to me»
The lady turned out to be an English teacher, and even she had a hard time understanding Angel. After all, he used other language forms, but it's better than nothing.
«Here is the library.» The lady pointed to the door and left, wishing good luck to the feathered one.
The angel entered the room and went to look for suitable books. Throwing this case, the angel went to the smell, the smell of the paintings. While he was enthusiastically looking at the paintings and corridors, he stumbled upon the same person. Turns out his name was Vicky Lopez. It was the artist. An ordinary person living in a small town. He is n't familiar with the supernatural, he isn't familiar with monsters, and he doesn't know about the existence of characters from the mythology of all countries, times and peoples. After an hour of searching, Cas called Dean:
«Well, what's up, Cas? Did you find anything?» Cas, covering the phone with his hand, said quietly so as not to arouse suspicion and not attract attention.
«Yeah… I found out that there is a library in that building and it is a college.»
«Cas...!» The brothers cried out in unison.
«Beer off you...»
«What...? What?» Sam asked surprised.
«What? Ummm… Okay, but… It's a local tradition, forgot… We're not interested in your trips, Romeo»
«But I see him… This look into nothingness, it's amazing...»
«Cas...!» The brothers screamed.
«Sorry...I'm admiring, I got distracted a bit.»
«Get to the point.»
"«These are hellhounds, they are invisible and very large. They come for those who sold their souls to a demon.»
«Means...Cause between the… the claws and the teeth and the whole invisibility thing, those bitches can be… real bitches?»
«Another meters»
«What else did you find?»
Strange sounds began to be heard from the phone: the rustle of leaves, a small rumble, the friction of fabric.
In addition to a strange noise with rapid breathing, nothing in response. The brothers were worried.
«Yes...Sorry...» The brothers looked at each other in displeasure.
«What's going on in there?»
«I'm looking for suitable books in the library»
«Ah… well, yes...»
«We had no doubt...» Sam finished.
«I...» Again a strange noise is heard
«I'm trying to deal with your technology, I used to be able to teleport you, and now I have to be friends with this metal stone, which can still function as an angelic radio, only you need to hold it to your ear when talking.»
«Cas, we all understand...but we need information on our case.»
«Cas...» Sam interrupted his brother. «There's a hands-free button on the screen, press it, it will be easier for you.»
Cas touched the screen of his smartphone with his finger and trembled in fright.
«Really, some kind of magic...»
Castiel looked at his smartphone like a Neanderthal.
«A very convenient iron stone, like our tablet. It also glows and also brings horror. Now I can hear you well, even more „
“Cas...Cas...Cas, can you hear us?»
«I figured out...» Hear the sounds of active page turning. "...them can be seen through the holy glass"
«Nothing else?»
«I didn't find anything else about them.»
«Okay. Thank you for that as well.»
«Call me.»
«You are more careful there»
Dean hung up the call and started thinking about how to get rid of the huge hellhound.
Angel at that time was diligently fascinated by the study of local Russian books. He read one after another with such great speed and enthusiasm that not a single person on earth could read books so quickly. For others, he just flipped through, just quickly flipped through the pages of old and new dusty books, but in fact, he read them, just quickly read them. The enraptured angel did not notice the appearance of the magician from his dream. Proud gait, wide step, a tall, gallant brunette in a dark robe. Fine, brilliant brown eyes with a golden sheen. His gestures are similar to those of a conductor. His body, his masculine body, though thin, is fearful. This burning through look, looks like an x-ray. The angel, having heard the stomp, turned around, was forced to break away from an interesting lesson. Seeing Vicky Lopez through the half-empty bookshelf, the angel froze. He froze like a victim of the Gorgon, who succumbed to the temptation to look the monster in the eye. After all, both the angel and the brothers know that all monsters are too attractive, this is their main function to lure victims so that they cannot do anything, or rather do not want to. And it seems to be nothing, but the angel fell into such a trap, but not into the trap of a monster, but a simple person. The angel could not look away for a long time until the magician left the room. Awkward movements betrayed him, books from the shelf fell to the floor. With shaking hands, Castiel tried to prevent the fall of all the books, these sloppy body movements would have given him away, but the magician was gone and there was nothing to be afraid of. «The angel has left the building.» Brothers with forged KTV-Luch documents were already waiting for him in the parking lot.
«What is that in your hands?» Dean tried to see the hidden book under Cas's cloak.
«This is a very valuable book. It needs to be very well hidden.» Dean opened the trunk of his car.
«Drop it!» The angel put the book in the trunk of Dean's car. And went back to college. The brothers followed him.
«Two idiot hunters have come,» Crowley said angrily as he continued to leaf through the books.
«Bitch!» This manner of communication between the hunters and the king of Hell was quite normal for them.
«Well, what did you find here?» Samm said. Fergus saw a more painful person only in hell, who was tortured by his servants. Sam looked like he had been scalped alive. Naturally, after his soul was in hell in a cage along with Lucifer and Michael, it suffered very much. No matter how good the angels were in the bible, they were worse than demons, much more powerful than any creatures, not counting the knights of hell, the archangels, Cain and, of course, God himself. Although Sam felt bad, all these feelings were imperceptible in this building. He was pleased that he was within the walls of the college, within the walls of the library.
«Here, look...» He pointed to Crowley's open book. «Here is everything that could help you»
«Hell knights? Are you kidding?»
«I'm not in the mood for jokes right now, Dean.»
«I thought the custodians of knowledge killed everyone.»
«No, my Little Squirrel, Cain, who led all the knights of hell is still alive, and after my assholes brought another one back to life — Abbadon, I felt uneasy. If Cain abandons his dirty deeds, then Abbadon strives for power.»
«As I understand it, we'll all plunge to our deaths?»
«Holy crap!» Dean hit the table with his fist, a little more and the table would have fallen apart. Today, furniture began to be made in such a way that the whole structure collapsed at one touch.
«Be careful, Hulk. And then we can't do well here. „
“Well...Okay, so how do we kill her?»
«How should I know, Bullwinkle? I became a demon after they appeared.»
«That is?»
«That is… I have no idea about Lucifer's creatures. A witch gave birth to me.»
«Rowena...» Dean interrupted.
«Don't interrupt me when I'm talking!» Shouted Crowley
«The witch Rowena gave birth to me in 1661. She was a bad mother and left no good memories for me. She didn't sing me a lullaby before going to bed, but water me whiskey until I fell asleep.»
«That's why you have such a passion for alcoholic beverages.» Dean chuckled.
«To be precise.» Cus said, continuing Crowley's colorful story about his past. «Sold my soul to a demon for an extra three inches below the waist because I wanted it to be a double digit. He died in 1723 at the age of 62 and was buried in a remote cemetery in Scotland. After his death, Crowley went to Hell and
became a crossroads demon. After some time, he rose and became in fact the right hand of Lilith.
»Yeah, you know my entire biography by heart."
«I'm an angel.»

Свидетельство о публикации (PSBN) 56807

Все права на произведение принадлежат автору. Опубликовано 13 Ноября 2022 года
I'm a monster with a hot heart, Designer, Gamer

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